We had a vibrant celebration of Bonnie's life. The colors in the church were super-saturated in the June sun. The Hawaiian birds of paradise, ginger and heliconia were illuminated on the altar, coincidentally radiating colors of the Pentecost.
The ceremony and ritual were clear and evocative.
The eulogies were special. Someone may have recorded them.
The reception for the family was a delight. I particularly loved my responsibility to give out Hawaiian Flowers until people knew it was fine to pick out their favorite flower and take it home.
The long stems and the weight of the flower had a good hand-feel as I gave them away. The heart-feel of the whole event was priceless.
I trust that others will post to illuminate what the ceremony was for them and what it DID to them.
Daniel for BanD
----------------------Below is the Bulletin ------------------
A Service of Celebration & Thanksgiving for the life and ministry of
Bonnie Johnson Shurman
January 20, 1944 – June 2, 2011
June 10, 2011
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church
Southport, North Carolina 28461
The Burial of the Dead: Rite Two
The liturgy for the dead is an Easter liturgy. It finds all its meaning in the Resurrection. Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we, too, shall be raised.
The liturgy, therefore, is characterized by joy, in the certainty that “neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
This joy, however, does not make human grief unchristian. The very love we have for each other in Christ brings deep sorrow when we are parted by death. Jesus himself wept at the grave of his friend. So, while we rejoice that those we love have entered into the nearer presence of our Lord, we sorrow in sympathy with those who mourn.
Officiant: Celebrant: Crucifer: Eucharistic Ministers: Ms. Jacquelyn McNutt
The Rev. Gerald Blackburn The Rev. Fiona Bergstrom
Mr. Ricky Evans
Mr. Frank Darzano Lay Readers: Mrs. Pam Hayes
Mr. Jonathan Richmond Ushers: Ms. Ruth Law
Ms. Barbara Reed
Mr. Lowell Carr Organist: Mrs. Debbie Skillman
A Service of Thanksgiving for the life and ministry of
Bonnie Johnson Shurman
January 20, 1944 – June 2, 2011
Prelude – Selected Music Opening Anthems (Said)
491 Collect for the Deceased 493 The Liturgy of the Word
Lesson: Isaiah 58:9b-14 Psalm: 23
612 Epistle: Revelation 7:9-17 Sequence Hymn: ‘The Strife O'er, the Battle Done' #208 Gospel: John 14: 1-6 (Please stand)
Eulogists: Becky Funderburke - Bonnie's "Daughters of the King"
Retreat Co-Leader
Eric Dishman - Family Friend, Director of Health Innovation,
Intel Corp.
Jennifer & Zachary Pollard - Bonnie's Daughter
& Grandson
Homily: Father Blackburn
The Apostle’s Creed Prayers of the People Peace
496 497
The Holy Communion – Eucharistic Prayer B The Lord’s Prayer Communion (All are invited to the Lord's table) Communion Hymns: 'I Come With Joy to Meet My Lord' #304
'I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light' #490
Post Communion Prayer 498
367 364
Blessing & Dismissal Recessional Hymn: ‘The King of Love My Shepherd Is’ #646 Postlude – Selected Music
Following our service you are invited to greet the Shurman family at a reception in St. Philip’s Parish Hall.
A NOTE FROM BONNIE’S FAMILY: “Bonnie Johnson Shurman would like you to take home a Hawaiian Flower, which will be given to you by one of Bonnie's family during the Family Reception after the service. The flower is a token in remembrance of the Gift and beauty of Life. As you admire your flower, Bonnie would probably ask you to ponder the possibility that God is your Special Friend, and then invite you to have tea and to commune with your Friend. During retreats she would strike a Tibetan bell to show in which direction you could pray to reach God.
Bonnie also has a gift of 24 copies of "A Friendship Like No Other: Experiencing God's Amazing Embrace" by Father William Barry, SJ, for you to take home, read and then give away. Simply ask one of the family members for a copy of the book.”
In lieu of flowers the family has asked that memorial gifts in Bonnie's name be made to:
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Donor Services P.O. Box 4072 Pittsfield, MA 01202
Our thanks to:
St. Philip’s Flower Guild, Altar Guild, Service Commission and Daughters of the King.
Bonnie was born in Baytown Texas to the late Buck and Osie McDaniel. A loving Wife, Mom and GrandB, she celebrated each day of her life with joy and was cherished by her many friends, fellow church members and family.
A university professor for almost two decades and then another two decades as a visionary/strategic planner in corporate and consulting settings, Bonnie left Silicon Valley after a life changing Acute Leukemia terminal diagnosis. Her miracle remission allowed her to follow her spirit to discern God's purpose for her life and enroll in the Episcopal Divinity School in Boston Massachusetts. Her years at EDS were ones of tranquility, love, learning and inspiration. Bonnie lived for many more years infused with joy and Grace [while dealing with AML, chemo rounds 3 and 4, a Bone Marrow Transplant and it's aftermath] Bonnie was surrounded by her family and friend's constant love and support. While we are in sorrow, we also rejoice that Bonnie has let go of her earthly body to join her loving God. As Bonnie said in her Lenten sermon at St. Philip's, "Remember that we are love, and to love we shall return".
She is survived by her husband Daniel, son Ron and fiancée Amber, daughter Jennifer and husband Scott and daughter Debrah, her much loved grandchildren Zac, Lucas, Jackson, Abi and Landen and many dear friends.
I did not have to walk alone Though shadow all around Towards the distant sunset Weary, tired and worn
For Angels walked beside me Toward forever peace My life here may have passed away Eternity will never cease
The road that I have traveled As you remember, day to day Is a road we all must journey Friends to meet along the way
God never makes mistakes Though your heart is broken in two I will always be alive Within the heart of you
You must know there's no more hurting No more tears will fill your day In heaven there's no sadness God wipes it all away
I did not have to walk alone Though shadow all around God's angels came and held me close To lift me from the ground
Death can claim no victory My spirit will never die God be with you, until we meet again Past the sunset in the sky
- Colleen Carol Smith, Canada