We have had an amazingly good time with family and friends over the last several months. We are both uncoiling. It is as if we have beaten like tetherballs, dizzyingly tight up against the poles of our lives and now we are unwinding.
This year I did a David Allen year-end exercise, recalling what I had done this year. Question: What has actually been completed? We have been so wrapped up in staying alive and keeping the houses intact, I felt we had completed nothing. As I began our review, I noticed that the calendar year of 2009 was a completely arbitrary unit of time; It was more instructive to review my sense of time - from the beginning of our exodus from divinity school Cambridge until we settled into this house. So my "year" ran from July 2008 - until the last days of 2009. We had been feeling like displaced persons for 18 months. When Bonnie could work in her study and cook; when I could really hear into my music, we were back home.
I was surprised to see how many things we had actually completed in the domains of health, family, house projects, finance, and spirit during our 18 month exodus. (As much as anything is ever completed in life.) Most significantly Bonnie had been fully re-born, again. I had actually graduated from being a full-time care giver, to a normal spouse. (Well, as normal as I get.)
As we re-engage in living, we are unwinding years of samsara. I find my self "awakening" to our environment and my Self, my health etc. At times sunlight bursts through the clouds and literally makes me look up and see the ocean. Other times I actually SEE our warm, little home. I am sure the Sun has been bursting through clouds over the last 18 months. But I barely noticed. I was literally asleep or I was head down, focusing on what we are doing or facing.
And then there is waking up to see Bonnie - in a different body altogether. She is a more mature and wise spirit in the world. Yet she has a child's sense of play at times, singing to herself. Other times one can see the effects of the Predisone on her body and on her disposition.
Bonnie remains a remarkable spirit and woman, even as she lives in the midst of a life that takes of hours of real effort, every morning and night, simply to retain her ability to SEE, walk, hear and keep her mouth and eyes intact.
While Bonnie was getting her study / home office back in some semblance of order for the first time since divinity school and while we were in the midst of 20 days of Christmas, while I was getting the music system back into the "goosebump zone", Bonnie's mouth developed sores that indicate an outbreak of Chronic Graft vs. Host Disease.
So we are off to the Duke Bone Marrow Clinic tomorrow - a 7 hour round trip - to see if we can ward off this chronic disease from spreading into Bonnie's eyes, skin, stomach and liver.
I guess that is why they call what Bonnie has endured for 7.5 years = CHRONIC illnesses.
Curiously, neither of us are panicked or even particularly stressed out by this latest outbreak of CGvHD. By now this is a normal state of affairs.
Grey storm clouds swirl and blow for days over the ocean. This is part of our everyday reality. Surely the sun will burst through and shine in our back door one day. We pray for another few years of living, even if with Chronic Illnesses.
And until we are swept away by the ocean of life, what an amazing life we are living.
Thank you for being such a vital part of our life-scape.
/Daniel for BanD
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