Hello at last our friends
We are in Boston this week, seeing eye doctors and visiting friends. We are staying with Beanie. Thursday I spent the night with Margi and Daniel with his friend and stereo buddy Hugh.
I apologize for being so long in posting. My brother-in-law Ben called yesterday to ask what’s up since it has been almost a month since our last post. I started with a long story that he was able to summarize succinctly, “oh, you’ve been busy.” We have been busy doing what I call “simultaneously moving in and moving out.” We finally got all the boxes that we moved into the beach house from the Cambridge move sorted and put away. All the pictures got hung. All the cabinet and shelves organized. And while doing that, all our personal clothes, files, and “stuff” got packed and taken to storage. I’ve been pretty single focused. I would get up at 7 in the morning and work through the day organizing, boxing, etc. etc. Our friend Alice suggested to me that I would save energy if I’d use the wheelchair. That worked well for me. The wheel chair also allowed me to carry stuff from one place to another in ways I can’t do with my marginally balanced walking. Daniel got depressed with all that had to be done. He was not able to do much until the clutter started to clear - (other than drive me to my frequent doctors appointments, church, my daughters home - oh and buy, carry up the groceries, and cook most of our meals and lift the boxes that were too heavy for me - you know - what I call "not much"). I too found that the more progress we made the more energy I had for what needed to be done next. By the last two weeks we were both working 12+ hours a day.
I’ve decided not to go to California with Daniel this summer. We were going to drive through St. Louis and Texas as well as Chicago. While my energy has been getting better, the trip seemed too daunting for me. Daniel will fly to California for six weeks and I will live with grandchildren. While I’ll miss seeing Midwest friends and relatives, I am excited about being with the Pollards this summer. Abi will go from saying words to speaking while I’m there. Zac and I will be together every Tuesday and Thursday; he will go to summer camp MWF. I will make serious progress on the book on MWF. Luc and I will do art projects, dance, and go to movies. Daniel and I will take over our beach house the first week of August; the kiddos will be with us there.
We spent Wednesday evening with our Cambridge grandson Jackson. At four he can spell his name. He recognizes most printed letters, and when he doesn’t recognize a letter right away, like Q, he sings the alphabet song until he comes to the letter, then he remembers it. He is so cute. He gave his grandpa the longest hug; I wasn’t sure he would ever let go. It was so wonderful to see that sight, grandpa and grandson so adoring each other. That was the highlight of my trip here.
I got a new contact lens prescription. The folks at Boston Foundation for Sight are incredible. I have had many wonderful docs, but none that go so far out of the normal course of medicine to take care of men, and the hundreds of patients who come from all around the word to get Scelerial lens that end the pain and blindness of severe dry eyes from GVHT or because their eyelids have been burned off in an explosion in Iraq.
Bonnie for BanD
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