Last week was packing, packing, and still we did not do enough before the weekend. While four guys loaded our furniture and the boxes we had packed into the PODS, I continued to pack. Daniel had a lot of disassembly and reassembly to do, things like taking his cosmic power connection off the wall and putting the regular outlet back. (Don’t ask me for details, I just know that something was attached to the wall that he had to take off to take with us.)
And of course the professional latte machine had to be de-plumbed and the plumbing connections secured. He only had a bit of a flood.
Speaking of floods, we had one on Sunday. The PODS were mostly packed by the end of the day when (as my mother would have said) “it fell a flood.” We had a hatch door to the basement open so that the guys could take stuff right from the basement to the parking lot. The water poured down the hatch stairs and flooded the basement. Thankfully most of our stuff was out by then; the basement was almost dry by the time we left on Monday.
We had hoped to be on our way before noon on Monday, but the mover who promised to come in the morning didn’t show up. We called Artie from Buildings & Grounds; he did come and give us some help. When the PODS guy came to pick up the second POD, he ended up directing the last of the POD packing.
In a fit of genius, Daniel and I had realized that we could segregate what went into each of the two PODS and have one delivered in August and the other delivered in October after our California and NE trips. All through the weekend we were directing stuff to go in either the “early” or “late” POD. We will get most of the furniture and the kitchen stuff in August.
We already have beds in the beach house that we will need to sell. We’ll do that before the second POD comes with beds and all the rest of our valuable “stuff.” Honestly, I don’t know how two people could accumulate so much in only four years. Everything did fit into the two PODS we had ordered, though every hour we questioned whether we would have too much.
We showered and got into our fully packed van about 2:30 on Monday afternoon, happy to be on our way before the afternoon rush hour. We stopped at Daniel’s usual turnpike station to check the tire pressure as we always do when we start a trip out Interstate 90. Then we discovered that the front right tire had a huge bulge from hitting a curb a couple of weeks ago. The tire was obviously ruined and dangerous. Back we went to Newton to get it replaced. Three hours later we were back on Interstate 90, right in the middle of rush hour. We were an hour on the road getting back to the place where we’d discovered the bad tire.
I’d arranged a “couples retreat” with a spa in State College. We were supposed to be there in the evening for massages. That didn’t happen. I was able to cancel the hotel and rearrange the massages for the next day. Everything worked out better than it might have had we been on time. Daniel somehow found the energy to drive as far as Scranton Monday night.
The next day we drove on to State College and saw Tom and Margaret Benson at noon before our 90 minute massages. Wow did we need those massages. We went back to the Benson’s and had a grand time for the next twenty four hours. Tom was a professor of mine at Buffalo before becoming my colleague in the speech communication dept at Penn State for ten years. Margaret, Tom, and I have been friends for so long.
Daniel fit right in to the conversation and we talked and talked for hours. It is so great to have long time friends with whom we can share new ideas and excitements. The Bensons have a seven month old cat that entertained us all the time. He looks so much like our beloved Trout who disappeared shortly after we got to Boston. It was like going full circle in the cat world with this kitten channeling Trout and telling us that he would be OK in Boston without us (as he has been for four years). If we’d been “on time” (aka Bonnie’s schedule) we wouldn’t have had so much time with the Bensons and we would have been less for that.
On Wednesday we left for Ann Arbor, arriving here about six last night. We indulged ourselves in a fine Japanese dinner. It is a fitting beginning to a BBQ tour. I resisted the temptation to eat raw fish (not OK for immune compromised folks like me) and pretended the avocado sushi was really tuna. My noodle dish with tempura was fantastic and gentle on my very sore mouth. Saki and beer helped make the whole meal a lively treat.
Today we will tour a little on the UM campus before going to see the Wadia factory and meeting with the president. Daniel will tell you all about that.
This afternoon we leave for Chicago and the Shurman/Lavitt family visit.
Daniel and I continue to have disagreements about what is the best time to get up (7am for me; 11am for him). We are still speaking; I’m being tolerant and he is being somewhat accommodating.
[Daniel's edit - Of course it is easy for Bonnie to get up at 7am when she has slept in the back seat for 5 hours the night before, while I drive on to our destination :-) ]
Bonnie for BanD
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