It looks like we have a long road ahead of us as Bonnie works to recover from the surgery in her left eye. Fortunately, after the third emergency surgery, it appears that Bonnie's cornea transplant is holding. The epithelial cells she needs to grow are filling in on the area that was not healing. The cornea surgeon and cornea specialists Bonnie sees several times a week are guardedly optimistic that the graft will succeed.
As the Graft vs. Host Disease appeared to be attacking the new cornea graft, the doctors conferred and agreed to increase her Prednisone back up to 60mgs. per day. This is reducing the muscles in Bonnie's legs and arms, but hopefully will save her cornea and heal the sores in her mouth.
Bonnie has debilitating headaches almost all of the time and her operated eye continues to hurt despite all pain medications. She snuggled against my chest for comfort last night and to try and get to sleep. I can feel her tremble and shudder slightly as she copes with the pain in her eye and head. She amazes me by how clever she is at finding ways to deal with the pain and manages to keep a sense of humor much of the time.
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