The doc has signed for me to leave this hospital for a few hours this afternoon. On Monday, Stone said that he would approve, assuming I had no fevers or other apparent illness. When the fevers hit on Wed, I lost hope of the possibility. And yet they were able to identify the little bug that was up to mischief and within 24 hours of the treatment, I was once again fever free. I got two units of blood and one of platelets yesterday and I’m feeling strength from that. Even a few hours away will help me remember what trees look like and give me the opportunity to use video Skype to call Zachary and family. I’ll also get to see my friend Mary who has a new knee.
I woke up to bright blue skies this morning, after a week of rain in Boston. Looks like a good day for an outing.
Today is Trinity Sunday. It was a special Sunday when I was young because our parish was called Trinity, and that was the day Bishop Hines came to visit us. Last year I wrote a sermon for Trinity Sunday. Download bjohnson_trinity_circulate.doc . Writing it was way for me to explore relationships within families. The beginning also has a brief history of the concept of Trinity, which many people find puzzling.
My phone was not working yesterday for the last round of switch arounds. I should now have stable working service on my cell phone (650-324-3816). Just as my phone problems cleared up, I find that I have an email problem. Yahoo insists that I upgrade, but in two tries I’ve not bee about to download the new release. I guess this is the best possible day for me to be going home so that I can be broadband long enough to get my mail working.
This is the first day since Tuesday that I’ve even wanted to look at my computer. I am way far behind on email. I’m so grateful to Daniel for keeping up what’s going on; he helps me find humor in the worst of circumstances. I continue to think of my journey as one on a tightrope. I had a little slip this week, but I’m still going.