My bone marrow biopsy was cancelled today. Dr. Stone is a pretty smart guy. Daniel and I had fretted over what my doctors would do with what we fully expected to be an ambiguous result: are these baby cells or leukemic cells in my marrow? Stone will wait until my daily blood tests are more stable, for example, when I do not have those “half formed” cells in my circulating blood before invading my marrow. Otherwise, he says, “we’d just have to do it again.” This might be Friday or sometime the following week, but before day 40 of my hospitalization.
We continue to be impressed with his “no wine before its time” approach: he doesn’t act until there is a direction for action. We were able to have our fine two months in North Carolina because he saw no reason to act before we had a donor direction. This approach gives us a lot of confidence in him; also it is a good lesson for us to learn in our own approach to life.
I’m luxuriating in the hospitality of Brigham & Women’s Hospital for some time to come. I can have company. I know that I have some out-of-town friends who must be coming through Boston occasionally. I’d love to see you. On Saturday, Debby Hindus dropped by from San Francisco with her brother and his wife Sharon. I’ve come to know Sharon first through Debby’s stories, then by meeting her after moving to Boston. Sharon has been in her own valiant battles with tumors. It was inspiring to see her. She is not just in remission, but better than that; doctors use some term that I’ve forgotten, but that is a close as doctors will get to saying “cure.”
Laura Brisbee and Dot Allen cheered me up with California pictures, including this one. Ah, to see a bonsai again. Ah, to be spore free!
Today is Susan Langle's birthday. She came with Christi and brought communion as only a birthday communion could be. (pictures to be added)
You’ll see a new addition to the right hand column called “Express.” I suspect that I have friends who want to know how I am, but don’t want to figure that out from my prose. I’m starting a posting, which I hope will be a daily posting, summarizing the important facts of my case:
At a specified date, am I in the hospital or where?
Has my white blood count climbed, or am I still neutropenic?
Do I have a fever (a sign of germs and fungus that are my health risks now)?