We saw Dr. Stone at Dana Farber today. My blood counts were up just slightly, meaning that I continue to be neutropenic, but have a count of 150 neutrophils that provide some natural protection. The final results of the bone marrow biopsy indicate that I have about as much leukemia as I had when I went into the hospital. This sounds bad, but it is about what happened in 2002, so we are not discouraged.
Because I'm stable on antibiotics and have this weird history, we agreed to wait and see what will happen over the next few weeks. I will be going to Dana Farber weekly for blood tests and re-examination of my status. I will not be able to have a bone marrow transplant unless my bone marrow is almost completely clear of indications of leukemia. This could happen on its own over the next few weeks as it did in 2002, or I may have to re-enter the hospital for another round of intense chemotherapy and a 30+ day stay.
The good news is that right now nothing is forcing me back into the hospital. I'm growing stronger each day. Jennifer, Scott, Zac, and Lucas came last Thursday. We had a wonderful visit over a day and a half. I was up at 5:30 am to watch cartoons with Zac. We went to the store for DVD's. I was the energizer bunny until they left on Friday night when I crashed for 14 hours. Saturday we had friends come to see us from California. Sunday I went to church.
This is graduation week at EDS; we have lots of festivities and chapel services. I expect to be at all of them with my mask on.
Daniel and I are grateful to be surrounded by friends and family and to have this time for reflection and getting stronger.