Hospital life is going fine for me so far. Yesterday I got two units of platelets and two units of red blood, bringing those counts higher than they have been since November. I’m got the first of five chemo infusions last night (seven hours). I was able to sleep right through it. They gave me an infusion of anti-nausea medicine before the chemo and I’m finding I have both an appetite and a taste for food. The docs took me off two antibiotics I’d been taking at home. It could be that those were indeed the cause of the muscle pain and food aversion I’ve been experiencing. (They seem to like to have patients go without antibiotics until they get fevers and then add them.)
Having a bigger room away from the traffic of the nurse’s station is everything we’d hoped for. I’m much more comfortable without the constant chatter outside my door. I can even leave my door open and have a bit of a vista down a long hall. Yes, indeed Daniel brought my black leather glider to my room. Again, we set a first. Nurses say they’ve seen “all kinds of things” brought in, but never a chair. The chair is made by the Canadian company who makes the best “nursing gliders” for new mothers. It moves gently back and forth giving me some action in my legs that keeps them from getting stiff. I’m now out of bed much more than I was before. It also gives Daniel a place to be comfortable when he visits so that he can stay longer. When I glide in it, I get memories of the grandsons I’ve rocked to sleep in it. Here is a picture of me taken in the chair at home last week.
Daniel and I have both succeeded in the transition of my being hospitalized even while being aware of the serious reason that I’m here. We said prayers over the bag of chemo drugs before they hung it for infusion last night. We are enjoying my good days and being grateful for advances in medical science and firmness in our faith.
Bonnie - bless that chair! you look so comfortable. Today in Bay area was sunny but with completely thin clouds all over the sky -- so thin a cake knife could have swept them away with one elbow -- but the sun still got through as if nothing at all were blocking it -- and that is like the sun that warms me from your page. All my prayers are with you -- always. Jeff (and John, again always)
Posted by: Jeff | June 01, 2006 at 07:21 PM
Hi, Bonnie:
Girl, you sure do look good in that chair! Know that you have my blessings and prayers and daily thoughts!
I want to come for a visit, and check you out for myself! You know, that thing about "being a sight for sore eyes"....
I want to bring you my set of Karen Armstrong Kellogg Lectures so you can listen to them if you have a mind and energy. So, I will come by tomorrow Thursday afternoon. Should I call before hand? What's the number?
Posted by: Joan Martin | June 06, 2006 at 10:37 AM