I wrote my first blog entry five months ago today. Back then I thought I'd be through this. Instead we have taken a slower, more careful journey. I'm still waiting for my neutrophil count to jump up to 500 so that I can go home. I'll get a bone marrow biopsy tomorrow or the next day.
Yesterday was one of those extra slow days for me on which I can't seem to revive myself enough to turn on my computer. I felt that my body was going through a transition. I've heard from my nurse that my white count jumped to .67 from its week of hovering around .5. To go home white count needs to be at least 1.0 with 50% neutrophils. Any Day Now, I shall be released.
In the meantime, I've listened to the 12 hour audiobook of Karen Armstrong's new book The Great Transformation, and started a second listening. Dear friends from EDS have come almost everyday with Eucharist and news of the events on Campus. Daniel continues his daily pilgrimage to see me and bring me sparkingly lemon and orange soda as well as his enormous love for me. I continue in my prayers and meditations.
Overall, I'm good and looking forward to my trip back across the Charles.