Some people have asked me what I do all day, and what I feel up to doing. I thought you might enjoy a little picture tour of my day.
5am - Nurses draw blood samples from my central line, and the nurses' assistants take my "vital" signs (how vital could they be at 5am?). Nurses unhook my lines
7am - Sun from my east facing window tells me it is time to wake up for morning prayers. This time is for my primary Ignatius "kataphatic" meditation for the day (meaning an extended visualization in which I place myself in a bible story). I usually heat a cup of water for tea at the microwave down the hall.
8am - I start my BLOG entry for the day
8:30 - Hematology doctors stop in to check me out.
9am - Breakfast arrives; I'm usually well into writing something on the BLOG or for my online class and I get around to eating when I can take a break
10am - I'm hooked up for more medications. My daughter Debrah brings me Starbucks and some too tempting treat and we have coffee break together.
11am- EDS Friends come for chapel service in my room. We have wonderful conversations and amazing liturgies. Here are pictures from Maundy Thursday and Good Friday visits and liturgies.
1 - A light lunch and back to the writing. I usually have music or an audio book playing on my ipod. Sometimes I make phone calls during this time.
2pm - More medication infusion. I try to get to doing Ignatius' daily Examen about this time and follow that with some quiet meditation and sometimes a nap.
4pm - I'm back to writing on the blog if I'm doing a long piece like yesterday. I might also take a walk around the building (I try to get in 1/2 mile). I may also nap.
5:30 - Dinner arrives and my primary hematologist stops by to discuss how I'm progressing. I may also have other guests (any time in the afternoon).
7pm - Daniel arrives for dinner together. We have good talks. We have watched a movie. He usually stays until 11 and gives me a wonderful massage with anti-itch lotion before he leaves.
11pm - I say Compline (last service of the day), another round of Ignatian meditation (what Ignatius calls the "midnight meditation"), and ask for Benedryl to help me get to sleep and to help stop my continuing itching from some drug reaction I got last week.
I've been surprisingly energetic except for the two days last weekend when I slept ALL the time (36 hours with only occasional bathroom breaks and no food intake). I am among the most energetic that they see around here with AML.
I know that is because of your prayers (thank you) in person, by email, and through telepathy, and my being as much in a "home" setting, covering up as much indication of "hospital" in my room as possible.