It was quiet (compared to mine), but Daniel reports it was one of his best. I’ve put a photo album on this BLOG called “Daniel’s Birthday” with pictures of the party, and also some pictures of Zac with one of his GrandBee’s (four) trains. Check out the link on the right under the calendar.
We celebrated in many ways. Daniel got phone calls from distant friends. We toasted that we are able to stay at the beach until Feb 25th. We had Jennifer, Scot, Zac, Luc, and Scott’s parents Linda and Ernie for birthday dinner on Saturday.
Daniel cooked incredible London Broil and short ribs; amazing stuff.
Zac and I went shopping for the book that Daniel requested for his birthday. Zac blew up twenty balloons to decorate the house. He wrote a special card for his GranDan and helped me wrap packages.
Daniel made two requests for his birthday: a copy of The Elegant Universe and that I would post sermons I’ve done over the past three years onto the BLOG along with description of the context of those in my illness and recovery. I’ve been working on the second request and will be create that ‘sermons’ post this week.
In the meantime, we are enjoying the sunsets, quiet, and mostly our love for each other, our family, and our wonderful friends.