This morning I woke up with more energy and enthusiasm than ever. And then in the early afternoon the realization that tomorrow is “doctor day” hit me. Both Daniel and I took long naps that we have come to recognize as anxiety naps.
I have talked with the person doing my donor search and also the transplant coordinator. They have yet to identify the “perfect” match, though one is very close. They will be meeting on Thursday to discuss whether that person is really close enough. It may be that we will be carrying on the search for another few weeks. I am feeling good enough (when not thinking about tomorrow’s doctor visit) to believe that my blood levels will be up and that my health will good enough for a few more weeks.
I had a great call from a California friend this afternoon. She asked if I’m anxious with all this waiting. I’m not usually. Right now I am leading such a wonderful life. Friends come over for conversation and music. I’m very much engaged in getting music put onto my new iPod (more about that later). I certainly do not want to waste these beautiful “extra” days worrying.
Spring term starts next week. I’m enrolled in an online course called “Life as Pilgrimage.” The instructor leads sacred trips. See I am eager to get through this time of confinement so that Daniel and I can start to travel again. Right now, I’m enjoying virtual travel. I can remember ten years ago being very eager for High Definition TV so that I could go places I wouldn’t or couldn’t otherwise. And now I’m finding these virtual trips to be everything I imagined they might be, at least for someone like me who can’t move so easily. I’ve watched INSIDE PASSAGE, which is showing often on PBS’s high definition channel. I sit in my platform rocker and enjoy the scenery and the commentary and I’m glad that, at least for now, I don’t actually need to move my body to do the Passage. And I know when I do actually get on that Inside Passage trip, I will enjoy it more.
As spring term starts, I’m thinking back to last fall’s courses. Seminary is a trip in its own way. In one five page paper, I took on the question of God creating the world, and in the process, explicated my own creationist theology. In another course, I was asked to write about the task of establishing and honoring pluralism and in doing that to articulate “Where is God in this work for you?” In that paper I was finally able to find an answer for myself to my question of why The Incarnation came 2000 years ago (not earlier or later, as far as we know). The great joy of seminary is the opportunity and excuse to do “theology in five pages or less.” I’m attaching these two papers here not because they are great theology, but because they engaged me in thinking about the nature of creation and the mission of Christ… and I thought that you might find in them an invitation for you to do that too.
God and Creation Paper here Download godcreation_paper1_online.doc
Foundations of Chrisitan Praxis: Pluralism is here: Download bj_foundations_3_online.doc
(note the foundations paper is a big file because of one big picture in it).